a memory, a reflection
cw: sad mode, illness

it had been raining on and off all day. after work, i went to the grocery store to pick up some stuff. i was walking along the back of the store, trying to find the aisle for chocolate-covered espresso beans (there were none), when someone turned out of the next aisle ahead of me. he was stooped over a walker, shuffling along as an attendant carried a basket. he looked so worn-out that i almost didn't recognize him. it was my old boss, mr. e. i hadn't seen him in probably three years. he hadn't exactly been young when i worked for him, but he had stood tall and spoke in a confident, lively manner. i stopped, and said his name. it almost came out as a question. he turned to me, and i saw recognition in his eyes, but also the familiar look of frustration of someone who knows you but can't recall your name. his voice quavered when he addressed me. i reminded him of my name and how we knew each other, and he told me it was good to see me again and asked how i was. he seemed a bit distant the whole time, like he was thinking of something else while he spoke. i asked him how he was, and he gestured to the walker and said "i woke up one day and i couldn't move. i started out in a wheelchair, next i'm gonna get a cane." i shouldn't have mentioned the store. it shut down during the big lockdown, and mr. e had put his whole back into trying to keep it afloat. i think he felt like it was a personal failure, but the previous owner had really set him up to fail. he mentioned it then, saying "you know, the store shut down...i couldn't keep it open any more." i told him it wasn't his fault, but i'm not sure that he heard me, because i was kind of mumbling through my mask. i was shocked to see the state he was in. he had always been a really nice guy, and i felt bad that i hadn't kept up with him. he gave me a fist bump and said "good to see you, man," and then started off walking the way i'd came. by the time i got back outside, it had started to drizzle again. as i drove home, the road started to look blurry. it wasn't because of the rain.